Monday, September 1, 2008

GBC Podcast 005 | “..appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith..” A study of Jude 7

In Jude 7 we continue our study of the so-called “Clobber Passages” – the Scriptures that are said to condemn Gay people, but which fail to do so, upon scriptural examination.

Our podcast today talks about:

  • What Jude’s real purpose was, in writing his letter
  • How prejudiced assumption inserts condemnation into Jude where it really isn’t, and therefore ignores it where it really is!
  • The sin that both the God-rejecting angels and the pagans committed, to their destruction.
  • How Jude proves that no one – not even those who consider themselves God’s people – are allowed to continue to sin after supposedly being saved.
  • and more!
References used in this podcast:
Holy Bible: Jude 1-15; 1 Corinthians 15:39-40; Leviticus 18:23-24; Genesis 6:2

Play or download podcast [17:57m]

Gay Christians: Living & Loving God's Word!

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